Tuesday, June 17, 2008

modern disconnect

there is a beautiful world outside that window in front of me and i am typing this electronic journal entry. there are birds twittering and leaves rustling and wind blowing a nice breeze. and then there's this glaring screen that i keep staring into because it reflects stimuli that somehow captivate my attention more than the natural world.

what evil deception!

but even though i am aware of this disconnect, i keep coming back to my buzzing vice. a hefty battle-axe swing would solve this problem, but i haven't the heart. i mean, computer and i have had a long and productive relationship, even though computer has been being kind of a soul-sucking leech.

most of my morning is spent gathering up the courage to rip myself from computer's captivating stimulus tentacles. i think it's about time to make my migration once again.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

blarg it's another saturday

that feels just like all the other days, cause i gots no job. i've been sitting around in a bathing suit trying to reach lvl 64 in terokkar forest. the routine has been getting a bit old: spot NPC, hurl three lightning bolts, slam the bastard with a flame shock, and then just hack away with my big staff. i may mix things up a bit with some totems, but high lvl ennui is setting in i believe. soon enough i'll get that super-cool-looking fire elemental totem and all of this will change. for then i will be able to "call forth a greater fire elemental to rain destruction on (my) enemies." i've always wanted to do that to my enemies.

i was supposed to meet up with a random girl who contacted me on mixi.jp, but just before i left my house she texted me and informed me that she had just contracted a mysterious "cold." this "cold" has prevented her from meeting me tonight, so now i am a bit more free! and there is actually something else to do, unlike usual. it is cathy's birthday, or something, today or sometime soon, and i was invited to go "party." luckily for me, i was out till the wee hour of SEVEN AM last night and am well recovering thanks to more than a few unintentional mass transit power naps. and yes, these power naps were taken as each vehicle passed my destination, multiple times. well, it's better than falling asleep at the wheel; at least this way when i wake up all i have to do is take the bus/train back, and not peel my face from searing metal.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

gtalk convo fun time

let's discover how jamie's dark secrets are revealed when he succumbs to the hypnotic truth-wrenching effects of gtalk!

Dean's away message: Coffee. Coffee. Coffee.

me: i hope that's dunkin' yr drunkin'
Dean-Lorenz: not out here i'm sorry to report
but i'm cutting down on the D&D a bit
me: i'm not. i'm already a lvl 7 wizard with magic missile specialty.
ogres beware!
Dean-Lorenz: yikes
me: wait.... you're not an ogre, are you?
kum sanam saleiam tulus!
Dean-Lorenz: i was this morning
me: too late. i just banished you to the Outer Realms.
Dean-Lorenz: i'm sure if i had any idea what the hell that meant i'd be impressed
me: have fun wading in the Blood Pits with your orcish brethren
Dean-Lorenz: this is what happens when we try to have 'real' conversations
me: this is why jamie still has "no job"
Dean-Lorenz: i'll cede you that
Sent at 3:24 PM on Wednesday
Dean-Lorenz: oh.
I get it now.

Friday, June 6, 2008

day 9: skipped a few

so as many were wondering what befell me, i feel it necessary to inform my audience of the circumstances surrounding my sudden disappearance. it was entirely due to my inability to reach an internet terminal. oh, and a smoking rocket that crashed through the cloth ceiling of a bazaar booth that i needed to diffuse using but a handful of hummus and a live scorpion.

from the wall to now much has happened, as you can imagine. i will attempt to reconstruct an achronical account of my travels.

-hiked a bit around Ein Gedi, an oasis and nature preserve west of the dead sea. my first experience in a desert ecosystem under conservation. saw a few yellow-spotted rock hyraxes climbing nimbly along the branches of the stout trees and chewing on the green leaves. we bathed in a waterfall nestled in the cavity of a massive wall of cream stone.
-drove to Masada at 2:30 am after a night in the bedouin tent. watched the sun rise over the desert horizon, plunging the hazy blue sky into a brilliant pink that baked the hills of sand surrounding the remains of the ancient fortress.
-caroused the stone alleyways of Jaffa, the old city of Tel Aviv, where hanging plants and creeping vines peek over the arches and walls of the dwellings of artists, who have taken up residence behind the ornate wooden doors. house cats prowled the granite fortifications above, stepping carefully over roots and brushing past forests of leaves.
-ate shakshuka at where else but Dr. Shakshuka in Jaffa. so authentic i nearly bursted out the HaTikvah. an excellent sephardic dish that is like an omelet in a thick spiced tomato sauce.
-more on eating, sampled a Jerusalem bagel in the old city, a much longer and thinner cousin of the NYC version, sprinkled all over with white sesame. once purchased, one pulls open the steaming bread and sprinkles in some zaatar.
-stayed a night in a "bedouin tent," which besides being a nice replica of one was part of a complex owned by israelis in the camel-riding tourism business and was more like the disneyland version of a bedouin camp. i stayed up all night with some of the group, smoked nargilah (hebrew for hookah), and hiked up a tall hill behind our camp with three others to find a sky brilliant with stars and a desert military camp ringed in orange lampposts. we were treated to a show by a group called Jaman, whose musical leader played haunting melodies on a number of indigenous instruments from around the world accompanied by his two bandmates on drums. they were also extremely adept at capoeria and played a mean shofar. like, mean enough to leave all the cantors in NYC in the dust.
-coated ourselves head to toe (as for myself, i did this literally) in dead sea mud, let it dry and crack in the sun, then bathed in the briny green waters. i enjoyed the sensation of floating up straight and watching my feet hover above the seabed, which was white with salt. all around us, the brown faces of arid mountains.

and probably more, but i can't think of them right now. when they come i shall post of them.