Wednesday, November 19, 2008

now from the 2nd floor of 2223

this closes a month in berkeley. we moved upstairs tonight because a second floor apartment became available. chuchki is prowling around the new apartment, mentally cataloging all the unfamiliar corners and leaping up on windowsills to absorb the new views. this space is like a bizarro version of our old apartment; the only differences are subtle increases in space in unexpected places. the view has significantly improved, and i switched rooms to benefit from the window overlooking the park across the way. we are also thankfully separated from a direct line with the parking lot and its cacophonous visitors.

the weather is becoming more chilly, but i know that this is the extent of berkeley's winter cold. the cacti and palms shall go into dormancy, waiting patiently for the warm rays of the first spring sun as they do every year.

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