Sunday, June 15, 2008

blarg it's another saturday

that feels just like all the other days, cause i gots no job. i've been sitting around in a bathing suit trying to reach lvl 64 in terokkar forest. the routine has been getting a bit old: spot NPC, hurl three lightning bolts, slam the bastard with a flame shock, and then just hack away with my big staff. i may mix things up a bit with some totems, but high lvl ennui is setting in i believe. soon enough i'll get that super-cool-looking fire elemental totem and all of this will change. for then i will be able to "call forth a greater fire elemental to rain destruction on (my) enemies." i've always wanted to do that to my enemies.

i was supposed to meet up with a random girl who contacted me on, but just before i left my house she texted me and informed me that she had just contracted a mysterious "cold." this "cold" has prevented her from meeting me tonight, so now i am a bit more free! and there is actually something else to do, unlike usual. it is cathy's birthday, or something, today or sometime soon, and i was invited to go "party." luckily for me, i was out till the wee hour of SEVEN AM last night and am well recovering thanks to more than a few unintentional mass transit power naps. and yes, these power naps were taken as each vehicle passed my destination, multiple times. well, it's better than falling asleep at the wheel; at least this way when i wake up all i have to do is take the bus/train back, and not peel my face from searing metal.


Mike Donohue said...

I actually sent that girl to kill you. It's a good thing I changed my mind at the last minute.

mdove said...

i had a feeling she was a ninja.