Saturday, October 27, 2007

i'm going a-camping!

this afternoon i shall join some of my compatriots as we journey down into the heart of our country's wilderness, the overgrown and dangerous state of New Jersey. who can predict what treacherous beasts shall befall our crew when we disturb their murky dens of savagery? i, for one, am bringing along my trusty combat knife, my powder musket, a journal to catalogue any monstrous creatures new to science, some bottles of alcohol to preserve specimens, a box of matches to start the fires that shall cook our meals of wild boar and stag, a set of cotton pajamas, and an Anniversary Edition of the family board game Monopoly. if we should meet some natives, assuming they are friendly and can communicate somehow to us, this board game shall provide a duel purpose: it shall both provide as a social lubricant and teach them a thing or two about civilization. and if they are aggressive, my musket will pacify them all the way to the grave!

we shall return on the afternoon of sunday.

my return to the world of mmorpg's has been as smooth as skiing down a slope of warm butter. so smooth that i am a bit frightened at my steady immersion into the In-Game. it really it much nicer than the Out-Game sometimes, what with its beautiful forests and colorful fauna, not to mention its giant glowing purple crystals jutting out of the ground and its gorgeous draenei women. i honestly don't know how all this will play out. i have heard stories of responsible individuals losing all sense of personal industry and committing themselves to quests like gathering Skittering Crawler meat and finding Stillpine Furbolg totems. at least that's what i've been doing these past two days.

camping time.

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