Thursday, November 1, 2007

destruction party!

Jenny Lee and i went out yesterday to buy Halloween costumes. after poring over all the over-priced and overdone masks in Ricky's, we went down to a temporary Halloween-themed store off Lafayette. this is where i found a mask of a frowning old man framed with gray hair
sprouting from the sides of his head for a mere fifteen bucks.

i knew immediately it was for me.

i envisioned myself wearing that mask with a black hoodie and jeans -- the quintessential slacker's Halloween costume. also the perfect "is he a petty vandal, a costumed rapist, or just a Halloween slacker?" outfit. maybe i'll alter the mask and make some weird markings on it or something. like hex symbols or pentagrams or something more offensive.

the camping trip was a success. it did pour the first night and the wind did come a-knocking at our tent walls with some vigour, but it just made the next day that much better. all the stormy clouds filed away and left us with a moderately wet and musty forest -- perfect for prancing around by the streamside and hopping over rocks, which i did with Han and Jenny Ng. the others didn't want to go hiking, even though the smiling sun was practically begging us to get out into the wilderness (or rather, the green area beside the road to the campsites). the others consisted of Jenny Ng's friends, who were all very nice and cheerful people (besides one who decided i was too obnoxious to acknowledge, and i honor that), but they were a different kind of camper than i. i shall make a list.

my kind of camping: granola, tree-huggery, bare-footedness, plastic bags of assorted nuts, unwashed apples, beer drinkery, the making of a big pot of vegetarian chili, minimal use of flashlights, conversation until the act of speaking becomes surreal, hardcore hiking until your clothes stink, gettin' up early, choppin' wood, watchin' birds.

certain people's kind of camping: processed foods aplenty, a welcome reliance on disposable cutlery and plates and towels, a mid-camping pilgrimage to the fluorescent-lit and purposefully overwhelming Mecca that is Walmart, getting up as late as they want, a strict diet of meat and packaged meat products, let's drive as much as possible, fuck birds.

of course this is highly exaggerated, as is the nature of this blog, if not just for my own amusement. but overall, everyone was very cool and laid back and fun. i just really really hate Walmart. kind of like how Christians hate Satan.

going to a "destruction party" with Abby tonight. the theme is this, straight from the host's fingers:

Yo: I'm having a DESTRUCTION PARTY on Halloween, this Wednesday night. Bringyour friends who like trouble. The next morning the city is tearing down all the walls and kitchen on theground floor of my loft, shit we built ourselves. Everyone down thereobviously has to move out so we are beating the city to it as we like. Doyour worst, then go home to your ****friend and keep pretending you¹re awell-adjusted human being, all refreshed and shit. Or find someone equallytwisted at the party to go home with. If you like, put on a messed upcostume so when you¹re back home washing the "fake" blood from your handsit¹s all the more Hollywood. But No "Sexy" Vampires. Screw that. Also I want bands. We want you to play music if you want. I own a loud amp,a guitar, and drums you can use so you might not need to bring much except abad-ass attitude toward the situation. Also there's a decade's worth of free junk downstairs ­ a fucked up piano,couches, building supplies, knick-wacks, patty-wacks, shit I don't even knowabout ­ all for free to take home unless someone beats you to it. It's Wednesday - the middle of the week, the real Halloween, so there willbe less pussies there. We¹re making real teats from the city's fucked uptrick on us. A party where we want you to destroy the place and steal shit. With loudmusic and lots of booze if you bring it. You should probably reassess yourlife if you don¹t come through.

so what could be cooler? (more risk of bodily hazard)

i wonder what i'll destroy first. maybe someone's face.

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